Statement on Banking Services in Coleshill 14th September 2018 I am very saddened that with the announced closure of Lloyds Bank, Coleshill high street will be without a bank. This will obviously impact on local residents... Local News
Conservatives Launch Manifesto of Vision, Ambition and Aspiration for Bedworth, Exhall, Ash Green and Keresley 6th April 2018 Local elections for Council seats at Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council take place on Thursday 3 May 2018. Voters across Bedworth, Exhall, Ash Green and... Local News
Bedworth Conservatives- Relentless Campaigning As Council Election Draws Closer 1st April 2018 Rain, sleet, snow, frost and the occasional burst of sunshine have not stopped our intrepid team of Conservative candidates and supporters in Bedworth from... Local News
Fly Tipping Clear Up - Curdworth/Coleshill with DAVE REILLY 27th March 2017 Dave Reilly our Candidate for Coleshill NorthGreat pushed hard for a clear up and to to see that the Environment Agency starting work clearing the commercial... Local News
Fly Tipping Clear Up - Curdworth/Coleshill with DAVE REILLY 27th March 2017 Dave Reilly our Candidate for Coleshill NorthGreat pushed hard for a clear up and to to see that the Environment Agency starting work clearing the commercial... Local News
Karen Barber Announced as Conservative Candidate for the Arley & Whitacre by-election 22nd August 2016 Former councillor Karen Barber has been selected by the Conservatives to contest the Arley and Whitacre seat left vacant following the resignation of Cllr... Local News
Important Information Regarding Coleshill Banks 22nd August 2016 Following a number of queries from residents regarding planned bank closures on Coleshill High Street, local councillor Stacey Ingram has met with... Local News
Conservatives Approve Borough Care Reforms 29th June 2016 At a recent Meeting of Full Council in North Warwickshire, Conservative Councillors approved to secure the future of Borough Care through a number of reforms. Local News
Conservatives Keep Arley Open 29th June 2016 At a recent meeting of North Warwickshire Borough Council's Community & Environment Board Conservative Councillors voted to include Arley Sports Centre in the... Local News